Collapsofemeris geocatapeltes Sudw.

Usually seen around construction camps and engineering jobs. Seldom found about logging works except where railroad location and construction work is going on.
Birds and Other small animals constitute his main diet. He is not a fast traveler, but his extension legs (just like a transit) make it possible for him to prowl close to the ground. On spotting game, he slowly extends these legs until he gains a clear sight over the brush. Focusing the 4-power ’scope, the rifled, gun-like beak is carefully trained on the victim, a hardened clay pellet from the magazine in the cheek-pouch is inserted in the breech and puffed swiftly on its way. The target is instantly knocked senseless, and is then slowly eaten.
Seldom does the Tripodero miss. He is a deep student of ballistics, and has fine judgment of distance, wind and drift.

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